"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever"
-Mahatma Gandhi

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Should we have flag retreat every Friday?

             Flag has been the symbol of our country's strength and unity.It's been a source of pride and inspiration for Filipino citizens. Flag ceremony and flag retreats share one thing in common. We did this in our school symbolizing respect for our flag. 
             A question was given to us and it goes like  this "For you, should we have flag retreat every Friday?" To answer the question, we must know what is flag retreat ceremony. According to 1987 Constitution , during the flag retreat, the flag should be lowered slowly so that the flag will be down the mast at the sound of the last song of the anthem. Those in the assembly shall observe the same deportment or shall execute the same salute as required of them in the flag raising ceremony. 

             In my point of view, somehow, flag retreat is good for the students. It helps us to be a patriotic citizen. But other activities were being included in the flag retreat ceremony like the announcements given by the school heads, principal and other personnel with concerns.  And this made the dismissals became late. Students arrived at home late during Friday.
             How about you co-students, are you in favor to have flag retreat every Friday?
 ( This is an example on an argumentative essay.)


  1. The qoute really satify me great job but only add information due to a short paragraph with not much complete thought

  2. Uhm, add more details to your paragraph. :D

  3. Its okay :) but its a bit short =)))

  4. It's good. But, I agree with the others. It's a bit short.

  5. It's nice but like what others said, it's a bit short. =)
