"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever"
-Mahatma Gandhi

Saturday, July 20, 2013

You made me smile, feeling inspired because of you!

        According to Enrique Gil's Facebook account,  he made it! He became the breakthrough Actor of the Year.
        "Congratulations to his year's Yahoo! OMG Breakthrough Actor of the Year, ENRIQUE GIL! We know him as very charming, bubbly, amazing, king of the dance floor, and a versatile actor. We have seen him from his small roles to his big roles in his teleseryes and movies. His great acting amazes us all the time. Quen, you always make us proud. Hailed as OMG Breakthrough Actor is another sweet victory of 2013, another achievement, another step that brings you closer to stardom. Also, being The Next Ultimate Leading Man is another surreal, a worth-deserving title for you. And we are truly glad of what you have achieved. You really indeed deserve it! We have seen your movies throughout 2012 and presently 2013 and with your superb acting, that really amaze us all, we can say we are really proud of you! Heads up and a 2 thumbs up for you Quen. Cheers for an epic success.Once again, CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR ONE AND ONLY PRINCE, ENRIQUE GIL! Bags of love from your ENRIQUELICIOUS fans. Who loves and support you unmeasurably. We love you so much, Quen! "

Racial Discrimination in the Philippines

         Almost everywhere people experience discrimination. As we observed discrimination is always an issue not only in the Philippines but even in other countries. Why discrimination happens? Why need to treat others badly and unfairly when we all know that we are all equal in the eyes of God?

Discrimination involves any act where a person is treated unfairly because of their different color, race, nationality, gender, physical appearance and physical disability. Many engaged in discriminating others. Why this happens? Is it just for fun or is it intentionally to hurt others?
     Discrimination occurs for many reasons. Some people discriminate simply because that is how they were raised. Others do it because they have a problem accepting anyone who isn't like themselves. But mostly, they all do it simply because they are ignorant.

          Discrimination in our country   has seen in different areas. Prominent and rich person showed using the poor people as their slaves. Some discrimination experienced in the workplace like in job application and assignment of work position. In school, discrimination occurs and it started in bullying. Most of the students were being bullied every day. They were being teased and repeatedly harmed .It involves repeated physical, verbal attacks or intimidation directed against a victim who cannot properly defend him or herself. In some cases, bullying also lead to crime and to  death.

Now that we already know how discrimination is done. Let us try to identify and determine the solutions for it. Let us not judge and treat others badly. Let us respect the rights of every individual. Let us all be one and accept others just what like what God did. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Should we have flag retreat every Friday?

             Flag has been the symbol of our country's strength and unity.It's been a source of pride and inspiration for Filipino citizens. Flag ceremony and flag retreats share one thing in common. We did this in our school symbolizing respect for our flag. 
             A question was given to us and it goes like  this "For you, should we have flag retreat every Friday?" To answer the question, we must know what is flag retreat ceremony. According to 1987 Constitution , during the flag retreat, the flag should be lowered slowly so that the flag will be down the mast at the sound of the last song of the anthem. Those in the assembly shall observe the same deportment or shall execute the same salute as required of them in the flag raising ceremony. 

             In my point of view, somehow, flag retreat is good for the students. It helps us to be a patriotic citizen. But other activities were being included in the flag retreat ceremony like the announcements given by the school heads, principal and other personnel with concerns.  And this made the dismissals became late. Students arrived at home late during Friday.
             How about you co-students, are you in favor to have flag retreat every Friday?
 ( This is an example on an argumentative essay.)

Thursday, July 11, 2013

4 - sided love?

           Princess is a single girl. She met a Jack Frostie girl, Maysa and they fangirled together. When Princess had a relationship with Niall, she had no time for Maysa. Suddenly, Princess realized that what she had done to Maysa was not fair, so she told Niall to be best friends with Maysa too. But Maysa met a guy named Derfla, and they became more than friends, and the four of them lived happily ever after.

A Great Teacher

           Being a teacher is a very hard one. Many students may like you and others may not. Many will judge you and others can praise you.Ma'am Pareja is a simple teacher. She is a teacher in CavSci who is admired by everyone not only because of her abilities but also her personality. She may be strict sometimes, but she only did that for the sake of her students. Being one of her student is a great achievement for she is known for being one of the great teachers here in CavSci. Even if she's always busy and has many things to do with her family,she still go to school to teach her students. Because of that many idolized and was influenced by her.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Relating Relationships

           Jobelle is a simple girl. One day, she met a girl named Ella and they went together. When Jobelle had a relationship with Drew , she had no time for Ella. So when Ella tried to kill herself, Drew decided to be friend of Ella and the 3 of them became close friends. Days passed until Ella met a guy named Jean- Jack, and they became more than friends, and the 4 of them lived happily ever after.